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Monday, August 21

Amy Lee devastated...

EVANESCENCE frontwoman Amy Lee was so devastated by her former Seether star boyfriend's descent into substance abuse, she wrote 'Call Me When You're Sober' to vent her frustration. The singer, whose ex love Shuan Morgan went into rehab to kick his spiralling addictions July 06, never spoke directly about her inner pain, preferring to expose her anger in song. She tells MTV News (August06), "I think it's impossible to hide how obvious it is. "The day our single hit the airwaves, my ex-boyfriend said he was going into rehab and cancelled their tour. "I haven't ever said right out who it was about, but it's about the big relationship I was in, and the whole breakup, which was really long. "I was trying to be kind of discreet about it, and then he totally came out and said he was going to rehab. It was shocking to me."


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